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July Herb of the Month: Mint



  • Perennial
  • Used: Leaves and Oils
  • Good Luck
  • Attracts good spirits
  • Attract Love
  • Protect Sentimental Ties
  • Ward off negativity
  • Sustain physical vigor and memory
  • Recharge energy
  • Attracts Money 
  • Revitalizes the body and mind
  • It’s against exhaustion
  • Accelerates healing of the body

One of the most popular family of plants in a Witch’s garden is Mentah (Mint). Mint is a large family of plants with a number of different flavors and scents due to the plants ability to hybridize among themselves. 

Planting: Mint is best grown in rich, moist, soil in semi-shade to shade. If given the proper fertilizer from time to time, mint but will also grow in poor sandy soil. In the winter, cut back the plants to ground level. 

Drying and Harvesting: Cut the leafy stems just before they come into flower, and hang in bunches in a dry place with good air circulation. When dried leaves are ready to be harvested (when crisp and dry), strip leaves from their stalks and store in an air tight container. Keeping the leaves in an air tight container is important as this herb does not keep its aroma for long after removed from stalks. 

Small sprigs of fresh mint can also be placed in ice cube trays with a little bit of water for use in summer drinks later on. 

Magical Uses: Mint has been used for a long time in healing, raising vibrations, and cleansing spells. The ancients believed the herb was capable of exciting sexuality while preventing reproduction. 

It is believed, if it is placed under the pillow, mint can sometimes aid in vision of the future while one dreams. This method is also used to protect sleepers against attacks of witchcraft, nightmares, and evil spirits. 

Attract Prosperity

One of the easiest ways to attract prosperity is to put some leaves in your wallet, bag, purse or any place where you keep money. 

To use in candle magic, place a mint leaf on a green candle while it burns to increase your income and prosperity. Mint crushed and burned as incense, can attract customers to your business.


Stones: malachite, prehnite, pyrite, jade, rose quartz, fluorite, pink and green tourmaline, kunzite, rhodochrosite, aventurine, morganite, lepidolite, onyx, chrysocolla, dioptase, and leopard skin jasper.

Medical: A tea made from fresh or dried peppermint leaves not only tastes pleasant but is great for relieve cold or indigestion symptoms. Peppermint Tea is also used to sooth and relax the body to promote deeper sleeps. If taken regularly throughout the cold seasons, Peppermint tea is said to help the body build resistance to colds. 

Cosmetic: One of the most common uses of mint is to help fight against bad breath which is why this herb is incorporated into toothpastes. Along with fighting bad breath, mint is thought to condition gums and even whiten teeth. 
Both Spearmint and Peppermint are excellent for conditioning oily hair. Spearmint has also been used to treat chapped hands. 

Other Uses: Spearmint is an excellent insect repellent and will help to keep black flea beetles, cabbage butterfly caterpillars, ants, fleas and sometimes even aphids from your gardens. When applied to the skin, spearmint can also act as a mosquito repellent.

Due to its strong scent, spearmint is reported to also keep rodents away. Use dried mint leaves in drawers, cupboards and pantries to keep away moths.


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