August 1st
Summer is nearing its end. Now is the time to reap what we have sown. The first harvest of the year is ready to be celebrated and for all to give thanks to the abundance of food. This is the time to honor the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. It is a time for transformation and new beginnings. The nights will begin to grow longer and the days shorter.
We honor our ancestors who harvested grains and crops during this time. The very essence of our survival depended on their harvests and their knowledge of the land. We honor and give thanks to all the farmers who support us now, in a world where we can walk to the store at any time of the year to purchase the foods we need.
We honor Lugh, the Celtic Sun god, craftsman and patron of bars and magicians. This is the best time of the year to take up a new craft or skill. Celebrate local artists and craftsmen. Attend festivals (there are many that can be attended safely or found virtually) and admire the talents around and within you.
How do you plan to celebrate Lughnasadh?